October is National Fire Prevention Month. It actually started as just a week to remember The Great Chicago Fire of 1871, but now it covers the whole month! Raising fire safety awareness is imperative. This is because around 358,500 house fires happen every year in the United States. The crazy thing is most of them could be prevented if simple steps and proper maintenance were to be put into effect. So, without further delay, join your Bexley Heating & Cooling experts to spark awareness about fire safety.  

The Most Common HVAC Fire Hazards:  

First off, it’s important to know that your HVAC system isn’t inherently dangerous. However, like with anything else, being careless or neglectful can lead to big problems. So, it’s a good idea to be aware of the most common fire hazards related to HVAC. 

  • Electrical Issues: One of the most common reasons for HVAC-related fires is electrical issues. Sometimes, when you buy a home, the complete history of the HVAC unit isn’t always available. Over time, these units get older, wear down, or become outdated. This can lead to electrical problems with old wiring and circuits. We always stress the importance of knowing the condition of your HVAC units. So, if you can’t remember the last time your units were serviced, just give us a call! Regular maintenance is crucial for keeping dangerous situations away.  
  • Clutter Around Units: Depending on where your units are located, there might be some clutter nearby. You see, some HVAC units are installed in garages or basements, and it’s common for homeowners to use that space for storage. Stacks of boxes, paint cans, chemicals, and all sorts of stuff are often found in front of or around an HVAC unit. However, this has been proven to be a fire hazard. So, you should remember to keep the area clear of clutter and allow airflow to circulate around each unit. This same rule applies even if they’re stored in closets or anywhere else in your home.  
  • Poor Installation: Another major reason why HVAC-related fires occur is due to improper installation. Installing an HVAC unit involves numerous details, and if the unit is poorly installed, it can go unnoticed for years without regular servicing. That’s why it’s always important to work with a licensed HVAC company that employs certified technicians for installations and, in addition, ensure you continue to schedule regular maintenance checks.  

Fire Safety Tips from Your Bexley Heating & Cooling Professionals:  

  • Make sure to have an escape plan and ensure that everyone in the family, including the little ones, knows it well. It’s a good idea to choose a familiar spot outside, away from the house, where everyone can gather in case of a fire. 
  • As an added layer of safety, it’s a good idea to have a Carbon Monoxide & Explosive Gas Detector in your home. These hybrid alarms can sniff out carbon monoxide as well as natural gases like methane and propane. 
  • If you haven’t already got smoke detectors on every level of your home, it’s a good idea to consider doing so as soon as possible. Don’t forget to include the basement if you have one. It’s also recommended to place a smoke detector outside each sleeping area, such as the hallway. If it’s possible, an interconnected smoke alarm system is a great choice. That way, if one goes off in a specific area, all the alarms will sound, giving you more time to take action.  
  • Remember to regularly test your Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors and stay on top of battery replacement. It’s a good idea to switch the batteries out every year to err on the side of safety. 
  • Unfortunately, smoke alarms don’t last forever. So, make it a point to check the manufacture date on the back, and replace it ten years from that date.  
  • Make sure you have a fire extinguisher on every level of your home, ideally in a convenient spot that’s easy to reach. 
  • According to experts, it’s actually HIGHLY recommended to keep bedroom doors closed at night. This can slow down the spread of fire and has been proven to save lives.  

At Bexley Heating & Cooling, we genuinely care about your family’s safety, and we want to make sure you have everything you need in order to do so. We cannot stress enough how important it is to stay on top of your annual maintenance to ensure that your HVAC system meets current safety standards and operates smoothly. Give us a call to learn more about our Whole Home Protection Plan and keep your home in great shape. We’ve got you and your HVAC system covered!   

Call Bexley Heating & Cooling today at (614) 924-7856, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here